Homework 2.6-2.7

What a wonderful time we are having in Room 3! The automata are coming along really well although there have been a few technical glitches. Never mind some are already onto their second automaton with some  modifications they will make to improve the workings.
This weeks homework is due next Tuesday 18th June.
Please note the crossword should be written in with capital letters.

Wanted Desperately!
Are you able to spend a moments giving feedback to the Class's items on the the R3 Blog. You don't have to comment on just your own child. Some pupils have no feedback apart from me and it is what you adults have to say that means so much.
All you need to do is write something positive about an aspect of their work in the comments box on the blog
If you know of any friend or family member who may be able to help, could you please ask them.
Thanks so much

This week's homework:
  • Write a list of interesting adjectives to describe a birthday.
  • Complete the crossword:

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