Homework 2.1

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great time over the last two weeks! We are going to be finding out lots of interesting things this term including  reading about unsolved mysteries and the technology in toys!
Here is this week's homework. If you want to blog your research you may.

You will need to gather up cardboard boxes, (-shoe boxes as well if you have them) skewers or fine dowel rods or even wire might be useful. See if you have a compass at home you could bring to school to draw circles.

Learn your spelling words, maths facts and complete any homework set by your maths teacher.
Click on the 'stew' to make it larger and then see if you can make the new words.
Can you make your own word stew using these or some other letter combinations?
Find out what a 'cam' is, where they are found and how they work.
List the toys you have at home -see if you can group their properties into a Venn diagram –remember where they intersect (cross) it means they have similar properties.
A  simple Venn diagram:                                                           
A more complicated Venn diagram:


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