Homework 1


Welcome everyone! I hope this will be an exciting and rewarding year for my Year 5 students.

Please feel free to contact me regarding any thing you feel I may need to know to help you child settle well into the new school year. if you wish to use email, my address is:


Swimming days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Library is on Wednesday also.
Please make sure all property is named –including towels and togs, drink bottles


1x 20 Display Book (Clear File) PUBLISHED WRITING
1x 3B1 Ruled 7mm notebook: SPELLING/BASIC FACTS
5x 1B5 Warwick Ruled 7mm 40 leaf Exercise Book
1x UA4 Unruled Ruled 32 Leaf Exercise Book THEME
1x 1E5 Quad Ruled 7mm 36 Leaf With Margin Exercise book MATHS

 Homework will usually be set over a week Monday to Friday but I would like Homework books here each day to log any notices/ reminders.

The class will also have a blog and it would be wonderful if you could take the time to give feedback on you child’s contributions once it is up and running – having an audience is so important and positive feedback is treasured by your child.

Time on Homework should be about 30 minutes a night –please let me know if there is an issue/problem and we can discuss  what we can do.

Homework will comprise of spelling words, Reading either a set text or from a personal choice. This will be logged in the Homework book. It is expected by  year 5 that your child should be reading independently but it is useful if you can help with words they may not know, listen to them read orally, or ask questions about what they are reading.

Maths will be set by their Maths teacher but can be supplemented by review of tables facts –building on from last year. This year they should aim to master a ll the tables facts.

In Year 5 we still aim for Womble lunches, water in named bottles and correct uniform.

Before school routines, are also important to ensure all stationary needed is ready and not left in bags.

Looking forward to meeting you in the very near future

Homework for Week 1
Apart from Spelling and Reading...
Research the Karearea which is the Senior Syndicate's new name.
Use the A4 paper supplied
Draw a net border and colour it
Draw the Karearea in the center and colour it accurately
Write information gathered from research, around the bird, in your own words
Present your work carefully and beautifully.

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