Welcome! My First Post for Room 3 2012

Dear Parents
I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas break. We have lots of exciting things planned for this year. You will be kept informed via a Syndicate newsletter, this blog and notices.
If you missed receiving the notice given to your child last year re camp here are the details:

The 2013 Room 2 and 3 classes will be attending a camp 6th-8th March at Raukawa Falls YMCA camp. The cost per pupil will be $170 –this is based upon approximate costs quoted by the YMCA –hopefully there won’t be any increase in price. This is a fully catered camp and the costs include food, accommodation, transport by YMCA bus and qualified instructors who work with the children. We will be giving you more information at a pre camp meeting next year. The camp is a great experience for the children and is a wonderful social experience for them.

Jan Pickett


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