Wow! The countdown to the holidays has started in earnest! What a fantastic term we have had and on reflection, I can see real success stories in learning that have occurred over the term. Fantastic!
Just a few house keeping things:
SPORTS NOTICES Last day to return is Wednesday 25 September
FESTIVAL PERFORMANCE Children are to bring BRIGHT CLOTHES to wear for the performances tomorrow. It would be great to see you there at 9.30 am if you can make it.
PUPIL SURVEY: On the wiki, there is a survey the class is to fill in regarding assignments for Term 4.
Last week information
Variety Performance, School Birthday etc..
The Senior Team will be presenting a Variety performance on Wednesday 25 September at 9.30 am. You are most welcome to attend and stay for morning tea as well.
The class will be celebrating the School's Birthday on Monday 23rd September, if we could have a cake or two, they would be most enthusiastically received!
Thanks very much.
Thanks so much for those of you who have completed the survey on my wiki -I really appreciate your feedback. I will close it off next week.
There is a Newsletter today and also children have a notice about the Earth Kids whole food home baking project.
I am really delighted about the engagement with E Homework well done Room 3 and Parents!
Term 3
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to the new term. We are starting fitness and cross country running so you will need to bring you running gear -including shoes to school.
Homework is now posted on the wiki -see left side menu. Every week you are to use Study Ladder, the Spelling City exercises. There will be other tasks set as well.
WANTED: Magazines to cut up for maths etc.. Old newspapers are welcome too!
Term 2 Week 10
Thank you so much for your attendance at the conferences. They have been really positive and the children deserve every credit for the work they have been doing.
Regarding the tasks on the wiki,( see link on left side menu) I will leave them up over the holidays and then set weekly challenges.
Apart from the online activities, there is still an expectation that spelling words, any maths homework and regular reading will still take place as usual. The online activities are complementary to them.
Have a wonderful break!
Homework 2.9
The homework is due on Wednesday -set last Wednesday.
Techy Updates: See leftside bar Access -they will be there permanently.